
Showing posts from November, 2017

The Top 3D JavaScript Libraries For Web Developers

The Top 3D JavaScript Libraries For Web Developers 1stWebDesigner / Jake Rocheleau / 8 hours ago Modern JavaScript is surprisingly powerful. Especially with support from WebGL libraries and SVG/Canvas elements. With the right tools you can build pretty much anything for the web including browser-based games and native applications. Many of the newest groundbreaking features  run on 3D , and in this post I’ve curated my list of the best 3D JS libraries currently available for web developers. Three.js There is no doubt that  Three.js  deserves to be at the top of this list. It can be somewhat complex to learn from scratch but it’s also one of the better 3D libraries out there. It’s managed by a core group and released for free  on GitHub . ThreeJS primarily works on canvas elements, SVG elements, and the WebGL library for rendering. Learning the ropes is a challenge and will require at least mid-level JavaScript knowledge. But you ...

Star Wars:The Last Jedi' International Poster Might Include A Hidden Spoiler

Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ International Poster Might Include A Hidden Spoiler TAXI Daily News / 3 hours ago Image via  Star Wars Japan   Star Wars fans in the United States were teased with a  Carrie Fisher-centered poster for The Last Jedi last month. Creatives were quick to  applaud its design , highlighting its well thought out “hierarchy, color, space, and balance.”  A month ahead of the film’s premiere, Lucasfilm has unleashed its international poster. For a worldwide release, it had to be epic—and indeed it was.  The horizontal poster was created for the movie’s IMAX 3D version and shows two panels—the left features the ‘Light Side’, and the right represents the ‘Dark Side’.  While the poster is arguably just as eye-catching as its US counterpart, what’s more interesting is that ‘Luke Skywalker’ appears notably on both columns—and ‘ Sn...

The Top 3D JavaScript Libraries For Web Developers

The Top 3D JavaScript Libraries For Web Developers 1stWebDesigner / Jake Rocheleau / 8 hours ago Modern JavaScript is surprisingly powerful. Especially with support from WebGL libraries and SVG/Canvas elements. With the right tools you can build pretty much anything for the web including browser-based games and native applications. Many of the newest groundbreaking features  run on 3D , and in this post I’ve curated my list of the best 3D JS libraries currently available for web developers. Three.js There is no doubt that  Three.js  deserves to be at the top of this list. It can be somewhat complex to learn from scratch but it’s also one of the better 3D libraries out there. It’s managed by a core group and released for free  on GitHub . ThreeJS primarily works on canvas elements, SVG elements, and the WebGL library for rendering. Learning the ropes is a challenge and will require at least mid-level JavaScript knowledge. ...