Star Wars:The Last Jedi' International Poster Might Include A Hidden Spoiler

Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ International Poster Might Include A Hidden Spoiler

TAXI Daily News / 3 hours ago

Image via Star Wars Japan 

Star Wars fans in the United States were teased with a Carrie Fisher-centeredposter for The Last Jedi last month. Creatives were quick to applaud its design, highlighting its well thought out “hierarchy, color, space, and balance.” 

A month ahead of the film’s premiere, Lucasfilm has unleashed its international poster. For a worldwide release, it had to be epic—and indeed it was. 

The horizontal poster was created for the movie’s IMAX 3D version and shows two panels—the left features the ‘Light Side’, and the right represents the ‘Dark Side’. 

While the poster is arguably just as eye-catching as its US counterpart, what’s more interesting is that ‘Luke Skywalker’ appears notably on both columns—and ‘Snoke’ is nowhere to be found. 

Lucasfilm’s first trailer of the film already hints at the character’s belief that the ‘Jedi’ has to perish. His appearance on both sides of the international poster seems to underscore the possible sentiment. 

As if the suspense wasn’t enough, Mark Hamill—who plays ‘Luke’—partook in a little trolling himself, tweeting the IMAX poster along with a play on words from the lyrics of Joni Mitchell’s Both Sides, Now. 

"I've looked at life from both sides now
From light & dark & still somehow
It's life's illusions I recall
I really don't know all"

— @HamillHimself (@HamillHimself) November 4, 2017 

Looks like you’ll have to wait till 15 December 2017 to find out if ‘Luke’ might be crossing over to the ‘Gray Side’. 

Why is Luke on the Dark Side poster too? Why isn't it #Snoke!? What does it all mean!?!? LET THE SPECULATION BEGIN! #StarWars

— Jas (@JasForbes) October 22, 2017 

Hey you Dark Side theorists: Look who's looming at the back of the poster now! Another clue for you all... #TheWalrusWasPaul

— @HamillHimself (@HamillHimself) November 1, 2017 

Vader looms over the poster

— Star Wars Junk (@StarWarsJunk) October 10, 2017 

[via Mashable, cover image via Star Wars Japan]


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