Residents of Okeafa, Ajao estate, Lagos state, took justice into their hands after they caught an alleged female kidnapper of Togolese nationality. According to a Facebook User, Ogechi Vincent Udeh, who witnessed the incident, the female kidnapper hypnotized a teenage girl and was taking her away when the girl’s uncle ran into them and realized his niece was obviously under some kind of spell. The uncle then raised alarm and the woman was rounded up, beaten, stripped and paraded on the street. Here’s how the Facebook user narrated the story: Wonders shall never end oooo my pipl! pls we all need to be careful ooo don’t send ur young wards out unaccompanied… Becos dis kinds are everywhere now. See Also: Man Kidnaps Himself To Extort 60 Million But Then This Happens Dis story I’m about to share happened in my area… Okeafa dat canoe new road dat leads to ajao estate n many oda places most of us shld be conversant with d road on d pictures below...
Music star Reekado Banks was spotted on a movie set - The Mavin prince shares the photos from the set on is social media page - This will be the first movie Reekado will be in and people are wondering if he is quitting music for Nollywood Reekado Banks shared photos of him on his first ever movie set recently. One of photos showed the music star acting the role of a pharmacist in what seems like a Nollywood movie. People are now asking if he is abandoning music for Nollywood. Reekado is a talented musician and if he were to make the move to Nollywod most of his fans will be delighted and anxious to see him on TV screens just as they are now waiting to see what he's done in this new project. Banks revealed that he was playing the role of a pharmacist and specialised in selling two things.
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